My Ideal World

Our current world has many flaws but don’t you think that those mistakes make the world a better place? My ideal world is in a solar system of two other planets. My planet is very similar to Earth, but I took out a few things. This world is designed to be better than Earth though. It’s called Reptar.

Reptar is the planet furthest from the sun in my solar system. The temperature is the same as Earth as places closer to the equator are warmer. My planet has rings like Saturn and is ten times bigger than Earth to prevent overpopulation and give more space to my people. Reptar has 10 countries and 3 continents as all of the countries contribute to the economy equally. This world cannot get polluted so my people don’t have to worry about ruining the planet. The currency that we use are rupees as they are made out of silver or gold. The only language that people speak on it is English so that everyone on Reptar can communicate with each other.

Nature is one of the most important things in the world because it habits wildlife, gives you materials, gives you a place to live, and many other things. Overall, my nature is similar to Earth’s. Reptar has more trees because there is a strong demand for wood and paper. Trees would also clean the air for my residents. The mountains on Reptar are taller on average than Earth’s mountains. There are only animals and plants that can’t hurt you, and I would take out sharks, alligators, crocodiles, snakes, and poison ivy so people can roam around nature without any worries.

Military is crucial to protecting my planet. Instead of different nations having separate militaries to fight each other like on Earth, I want a united military with all of my ten countries so they can fight any invasions against David’s or Arjun’s planet or extraterrestrial invasions. To achieve this goal, we should have a strong supply of high tech robots who can fight very well and are bullet proof. Each of them are made out of strong metals while holding ray guns that can melt anyone or any material in the universe. These robots also have claws that are sharp and can hold things. I would also make another type of robot that is like calling 911  from Earth with cops, ambulances, and firefighters. All the robots are programmed to not be able to get hacked and follow any orders that a soldier tells them too unless the order is to cause harm on allies.

The laws on Reptar are strict and all major offenses are punishable by death from the robots and all petty crimes’ punishments would be decided in court. Strict laws would make the civilians scared to do any crime so it would make the crime rate lower. The cops on my planet are fast and can fly. There are no weapons on my planet that can destroy my robot cops. The government system on Reptar is all a representative democracy and there is one president for every one of my 10 countries. All of my president’s love each other and would not start any conflicts with each other. The taxes would be based on how much money you make as it takes 35% of your salary.

My last topic is on the education system. My education system is from K-10 as college starts earlier than Earth. This is so people would learn more useful things about what their job should be. I think that this would make the economy better because people would start contributing to it earlier. There will be less homework because it will lead to stress and I don’t want my little Reptar babies to be stressed.

Overall, my planet is a lot like Earth but with a few changes to make it the best I can. 

One thought on “My Ideal World

  1. I feel that 35% tax is a little harsh for people in the lower class. Also, I like the idea of K-10, but without homework there might be less productivity at young ages. Are David and Arjun out for you?

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